Project slogan:
Empowering teachers with AI
January 11-13, 2023 Palermo, Italy
Representatives from all participating organisations and countries attended the fourth project partner meeting. The meeting was coordinated by the Italian partners: Institute for Educational Technology – National Research Council of Italy.

Day 1: January 11 2023
Apart from the arrival of the participants on the first day of the meeting, this was the only day set aside for introductory talks and an extremely interesting discussion involving members of the consortium and external experts in collaboration with the University of Palermo.
Some notes from the discussion:
- The ai will always be better at most tasks form a person, but we will be always better at some tasks.
- we must have serious conversations between different stakeholders
- teachers are teaching designers
- change the premise and start from: the computer, ai can be wrong. As you and I. There are no correct answers its an estimated guess – eg. Google maps.
- artificial intelligence An issue about trust.
- Be happy about the proces not the result.

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