What is AI4T (AI for Teachers)?
An Erasmus+ K3 project designed by France, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland and Luxembourg to contribute to training on AI in education for and by teachers and school leaders on a perimeter voluntarily restricted to mathematics, science and modern English language in high school (pupils aged 15-16). A project officially launched on 28 February 2021 for an action to be conducted over 36 months.
A cooperation that brings together 17 members (ministries, universities, training operators …) to design, implement, test and evaluate a device to encourage a reasoned and relevant use of resources containing AI, an awareness of their contextualization and their acceptability and an assessment of their relevance and usefulness or not in a teaching context.
A project intended to be shared widely – approach, methodology, results of the impact study, training materials – and to produce a networking of institutions and teachers in a secure framework for the recording and analysis of learning traces (Open Laboratory for Learning Analytics and Open Science approach).

Why AI4T?
To give teachers the ability to analyse, in their professional practice, educational resources that include elements of AI – of which they are not always aware – and to address with confidence the major challenges of AI in education, in particular the ability to explain to students the data and natures of AI used and their purpose.
To use and master school data, in particular learning traces, to improve differentiation of pathways and learning, to provide more effective training and assessment of upper secondary students, without leaving decisions to AI.
To help teaching professionals trained with the contributions of AI: assistance in pedagogical diagnosis and assessment, perception of weak signals; understanding of learning strategies and processes; development of data-visualisation tools for monitoring learning, etc.).
Responding to the orientations set by the European Commission’s new Digital Agenda for Education (new DEAP 2021-2027), aligned with many orientations of member countries – first and foremost France.
AI4T, how?
The project is based on the construction of a training course on how to use AI tools for secondary school teachers – designed on the basis of the IAI Class’Code MOOC and its adaptation and/or enrichment based on the needs and experiences of the participating countries, but also on the testing and use of digital educational resources integrating AI bricks offered by various publishers. The training content will be provided in all the languages of the consortium and it is expected that the training created will be able to meet the needs of all types of teachers, thus facilitating scaling up and systemic change.
At the same time, an independent evaluation will investigate, through survey and field observations, the impact of the training built and implemented on (1) teachers’ attitudes and practices regarding teaching with AI-based tools and (2) the resulting measurable skills, attitudes and behaviours of their students. Designed as a randomised controlled trial, over 350 schools, their headmasters and a minimum of 1400 teachers will participate in this experiment, in order to maximise the likelihood of finding a significant impact large enough to be politically interesting.