Join us at the Final Project Conference!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, and education is no exception. As technology continues to shape the way we learn and teach, AI has emerged as a powerful tool to enhance educational practices. To celebrate the remarkable progress made in this field, we are thrilled to announce the final AI4T project conference. At this […]
Partner meeting Dublin, June 2023

We had a very productive meeting in Dublin. Sincere thanks to all the partners!
AI for Teachers, An Open Textbook

As of 1st June 2023, the first edition of “AI for Teachers, An Open Textbook” is, well, open! You could browse its pages in 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian and Slovenian.
Uniting Educators: A Networking Event for Teachers

The recent networking event for teachers proved to be a transformative experience, empowering educators with valuable insights and resources.
Artificial Intelligence in everyday life: What role for the teacher?

What did ChatGPT DO to education and what can be DONE with it. How can we open the debate and focus on future developement regarding AI in education?
International Day of Education

We all contribute to building and strengthening of our education systems. We are empowering teachers with AI.