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Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined offset: 0

Filename: models/version_model.php

Line Number: 224

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Trying to get property 'version_id' of non-object

Filename: models/version_model.php

Line Number: 224

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: Creating default object from empty value

Filename: models/version_model.php

Line Number: 224

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined property: stdClass::$version_id

Filename: controllers/book.php

Line Number: 120

Personalising Learning
AI for Teachers, An Open Textbook: Edition 1

Personalising Learning

Did Youtube ever show you a video on a topic you happen to be thinking about? You might have talked about it to someone or read something on a related topic but you have never searched for it in Youtube. Yet, there it is, sitting on the list of videos recommended for you.

Or, perhaps, Youtube highlighted a topic you never knew about before, but which has got you hooked now. Less spooky, but more surprising.

How is it that the video platform seems to know you better than some of your friends?
How does it select the videos that will speak to you, among the 800 million videos hosted by it?
Is it possible to use the software's skills of personalisation to help learners learn better?
What could be the common thread behind Youtube and Netflix, Amazon product recommendation, Google News, Facebook friend suggestion and your classroom?

Read on...

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