About us
Inria is the French national research institute for digital science and technology. World-class research, technological innovation and entrepreneurial risk are its DNA.
In 200 project teams, most of which collaborate with major research universities, more than 3,500 researchers and engineers explore new avenues, often interdisciplinary and in collaboration with industrial partners, to tackle ambitious challenges.
As a technology institute, Inria supports the diversity of innovation pathways: from the release of open source software to the creation of technology start-ups (Deeptech).
Project Team
At Inria Learning Lab, we specialise in the creation of Massive Online Open Courses to disseminate the expertise of Inria researchers and to meet the training needs in the Institute’s subject areas as defined by the French Ministry of Education.
Jean-Marc Hasenfratz, Head of Service Education et Mediation Scientifiques and Head of the Inria Learning Lab. Since January 2015, Jean-Marc was responsible for setting up and managing the Inria Learning Lab and developing innovative e-learning technologies. In this context, he led the production of 25 Mooc at Inria.

Bénédicte CARDON, Multimedia Educational Engineer. I joined Inria for the AI4T project. Before that, I worked in Higher education institutions, on different fields. For example, I held several positions, from funding research and training at European and international level in the field of law to organising the French bar exam. At a business school (private higher education sector in France), I worked on the development of a learning management system to improve learner engagement in a management skills development programme.
I was very happy to find a job for this project at Inria, which combines project management and resource development.
Marie Collin, Education Engineer and Project Manager at Inria Learning Lab since 2017, I have worked in collaboration with researchers on several Mooc projects on different research topics at Inria, including the Internet of Things, machine learning, privacy in the digital world or civic participation and civic tech. With a background in science, computer science and communications, I have previously held several positions in private companies and at Inria.
Participating in the AI4T project brings together my interest in science and knowledge dissemination!
Our project goals
Inria Learning Lab has produced the French Mooc “L’Intelligence Artificielle… avec intelligence !” about AI with the Class’code partners and the French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports. This Mooc has been open since 2020 and has now reached +32,000 citizens who want to question, understand and try AI. With its contribution to the AI4T project, Inria is ready to share its expertise in the creation of this Mooc and go beyond an initial awareness-raising objective to help teachers and education managers use AI technologies in education.
Education and digital technology, as well as artificial intelligence, are two of Inria’s main concerns.
As part of the General Assemblies on the Use of Digital Technology in Education, held in November 2020, Inria published seven proposals on how digital technology could improve education on the event’s participatory platform. One of these suggestions is to expand the training of teachers in digital technology.
On the other hand, it is a challenge to measure, question and anticipate the societal impact of AI as research in the field progresses.
Participation in the AI4T project is a concrete way to address the main challenges related to the use of digital technologies and AI solutions in education.
Who do we want to help
Inria’s moocs will be designed and distributed to be accessible to the widest possible audience (i.e. free, over a long period of time, with little restrictive licencing policy in Creative Commons). At the end of the three-year AI4T project, Inria intends to offer a French version of Mooc AI4T on the LMS platform FUN -Mooc, open to a wide audience.
Inria engagement about AI: “AI current challenges and Inria’s engagement” (2d version in 2021)
Inria engagement about Education “Education and Digital Technology : The Challenges” (2020)
AI for Humanities – French AI official programme on AI launched in 2018
French Mooc platform, where Inria Moocs are hosted (some are bilingual, or completely in English) as the scikit-learn Mooc, a training dedicated to use of the free Python library for machine learning
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