AI for Teachers, An Open Textbook: Edition 1

Old translators

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Translation is not the right way to learn a language: all experts will tell us that this could have been the way a long time ago, but modern didactics don't recommend it anymore.
Nevertheless, if you can translate, you can get around having to learn the language altogether for most practical situations.
Translation tools
Two translation tools exist and can easily be used online (Google translate, deepl)
Furthermore, it is now possible to use translation tools embedded inside the software to obtain rapidly a translation of a document respecting the original presentation.
Translation in education
Automatic translation tools can be used as soon as one has access to the internet. The adults use it in the context of work, so, unsurprisingly, the pupils learn how to use these tools as soon as they start learning languages.
Teachers will of course

"Translate This Page The Translate this page link only appears in search results next to pages that are in a foreign language and have no alternate version for the language you’ve specified in your search settings. When you click on it, Google will use its translation engine to convert the page text to your language. It’s rarely perfect—it struggles with idiomatic phrases and bad grammar in the source content—but you can usually get the gist of it.

Spencer, Stephan. Google Power Search: The Essential Guide to Finding Anything Online With Google (p. 25). Koshkonong. Kindle Edition. "

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